A Chairde,
The Annual General Meeting of Round Tower GAA Club will take place in the clubrooms on the evening of Saturday 23rd November 2013 at 5.00pm. (Rule 8.3 of the GAA Club constitution).
Only paid up members are entitled to attend this meeting and only A members are eligible to vote.
Any membership status related queries should be directed to the secretary at the earliest opportunity. Nominations for executive positions or motions for discussion on the evening should be with the secretary and addressed solely to the secretary fourteen days before the meeting. They can be left with the box provided at the club bar.
A copy of the club accounts will be available at the club bar as soon as they are finalised in the run up to the meeting.
Tionólfar cruinniú bhliantúil Cumann An Chloigthí CLG ar Dé Sathairn 23 Deireadh Fómhair 2013 ag 5in. (Riail 8.3 den Chlub CLG bunreacht) Níl cead ach iad atá ina mbaill a bheith i láthair ag on oiche agus níl ceartanna vótála ach amháin ag baill stádas ‘A’. Má tá fiosruithe ann ba choir iad a bheith curtha cuig an rúnaí láithreach. Ba choir ainmuicháin le haghaidh áiteanna ar an coiste feidhmeannaigh a bheith ag an rúnaí ceathar déag lá roimh an cruinniú nó is feidir iad a fhágail sa bhosca ag an bhear sa chlub. Beidh cóip den cuntais airgid le fáil ag an bhear nuair atá siad déanta amach sna laethanta roimh an cruinniú.
Mise Le Meas,
Máirtín Ó Riain